This section is for demographic information only.
What is your age group?
Please identify your ethnicity.
Education: What is the highest decree or level of school you have completed?
Marital Status
Previous Community Service or Service-Learning Experience
Please select the degree which best matches how you feel about each statement.
I believe community groups need our help.
There are people in the community who need help.
I believe our students can effectively help people/community organizations through service-learning.
I am confident there are ways after-school students can participate in service-learning which will help our community.
I know how to prepare my students to participate in service-learning.
I know how to utilize the IPARDE process to organize, plan and get my students actively involved in service-learning.
I believe students need to be actively engaged in meaningful and personally relevant service activities.
I can intentionally connect service-learning to meet learning goals.
I feel confident I can incorporate multiple challenging reflective activities to promote deep thinking an analysis.
I believe our students need diverse connections in order to promote mutual understanding among all participants.
I believe that SL provides a strong learning opportunity for the student participants.
I have a working relationship with local community groups/agencies for SL partnerships.
I believe students need to have a voice in all stages and experiences with guidance from teachers and adults in the service-learning experience.
I feel confident I can find collaborative and mutually beneficial partnerships to address and meet community needs.
With whom in your community have you partnered for service opportunities already?
I would like to learn the following things during the trainings:
Three important take aways from the Webinars for me are: